Hi, I'm Jacob

An Atlanta based full stack developer


Pomo-Gitto brings together the effective learning technique of using the Pomodoro clock with Github issues. This will allow developers to see any Github issues on their repos, and then start a clock that countdowns from 25 minutes. Once the timer ends, the user should take a 5 minute break to refresh from all that uninterrupted coding!

Front End: React, Redux, CSS3, React-Router
Back End: Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Time In Space is a simple app using NASA's API to showcase their beautiful pictures from their large collection of Picture Of The Day database. You can search all the way back to 1998!

Front End: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery

Spanish Repetition is a full-stack application that implements the Spaced Repetition Algorithm used in many learning apps. Users will go through ten Spanish words and will be asked to translate into English. Based on if the user got it right or not, the question will appear more often for the user. This way the focus is shifted to what the user doesn't know and not what they already know.

Front End: React, Redux, CSS3, React-Router
Back End: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Google OAuth

ThinkGames is a real-time chat app for users to signup and start talking about game related! Everything is welcome from dungeons and dragons to shoots and ladders! So come on by and check out what everyone is talking about!

Front End: React, Redux, CSS3, React-Router, React-Bootstrap
Back End: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Passport

About Me

Contact Information

If you would like to talk more, feel free to reach out to me!

Email: joaskew13@gmail.com

Phone: (407) 375-6355

